Saturday, January 28, 2012

Too Many "Shoulds"...

I used to write all the time. In the last couple of years I haven't nearly as much. I miss the outlet and the perspective it can give me. I hope that I can learn and grow from my experiences and that insights gained might help others. So, this blog is mostly for me to gain perspective and hopefully lift others along the way. I have much to learn and far to here we go.

Working in the arena of reading and language I have become even more acutely aware of the power of words. There is often an energy attached to the words we use. The energy is often experienced as emotions. I had a realization a couple of weeks ago. Something I have undoubtedly sensed before, but was finally able to articulate. I use the words "should" and "need to" all the time. "I should do this...I need to do that." The energy and emotions attached to those words spark feelings of guilt, shame and force rather than choice. As I was discussing this with Jay, I started focusing on changing those words to, "I would like to do this...I want to do that..." or even, "I choose to..." This simple change in vocabulary has been life-giving. They are hopeful and free of judgment. They are empowering without expectation. It is something I intend to be cognizant of and move toward making a habit. I hope to focus on this with my kids. This perspective is freeing...